Over 1,000 Windows 95 Programs
Over 1000 Windows 95 Programs (Microforum) (Disc 2).iso
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INI File
316 lines
; filename, README
message, "Do you want to view the readme file?"
appname, "PC-Trace (with Schematic Plus)"
caption, "PC-Trace 1.08 (with Schematic Plus 1.12)"
Info, NO
DirSelect, YES
Registration, BDSIW40
defdir, C:\PCTRACE
1 =., "Installation Disk 1"
minspace = 2326
#app.main, 0:
#app.sym, 0:sym
#app.lib, 0:lib
#app.def, 0:defiles
1:schplus.exe, "Schematic Plus Executable"
1:sch_cnv.dll, "File Import Library"
1:schplus.hlp, "Schematic Plus Help File"
1:sch_tut.hlp, "Schematic Plus Tutorial"
1:tutorial.sch, "Tutorial Schematic"
1:pctrace.exe, "PC-Trace Executable"
1:pctrace.hlp, "PC-Trace Help File"
1:defgen.exe, "Definition File Generator"
1:defgen.hlp, "Definition File Help"
1:tutorial.hlp, "PC-Trace Tutorial"
1:readme.wri, "Readme File"
1:tutorial.cwt, "Tutorial Layout"
1:encode.cwt, "Encode Layout"
1:tutorial.nlt, "Tutorial Netlist"
1:encode.nlt, "Encode Netlist"
1:register.dll, "Registration data file"
1:CTL3DV2.DLL, "3D Control Library" ; This shows the literal ## non-macro
1:ACVOLT.SYM, "AC Voltage Symbol"
1:AND.SYM, "And Gate Symbol"
1:ANTENNA.SYM, "Antenna Symbol"
1:BATT1.SYM, "Single Cell Battery Symbol"
1:BATT2.SYM, "Multiple Cell Battery Symbol"
1:CAP.SYM, "Capacitor Symbol"
1:CD4030.SYM, "CD4030 Symbol"
1:CD4543.SYM, "CD4543 Symbol"
1:CRYSTAL.SYM, "Crystal Symbol"
1:DCVOLT.SYM, "DC Voltage Symbol"
1:DGND.SYM, "Digital Ground Symbol"
1:DIODE.SYM, "Diode Symbol"
1:FET.SYM, "Field Effect Transistor Symbol"
1:GROUND.SYM, "Ground Symbol"
1:INDUCTOR.SYM, "Inductor Symbol"
1:J1.SYM, "Connector 1 Symbol"
1:LED_DUAL.SYM, "Dual LED Symbol"
1:LM324.SYM, "LM324 Symbol"
1:LM555.SYM, "LM555 Symbol"
1:MULT.SYM, "Multiplier Symbol"
1:MUX.SYM, "Multiplexer Symbol"
1:NPN.SYM, "NPN Transistor Symbol"
1:PNP.SYM, "PNP Transistor Symbol"
1:RESIST.SYM, "Resistor Symbol"
1:SPST.SYM, "Switch Symbol"
1:SUMMER.SYM, "Summer Symbol"
1:TRANSFRM.SYM, "Transformer Symbol"
1:VAR2DIG.SYM, "Var2Dig Symbol"
1:VAR4DIG.SYM, "Var4Dig Symbol"
1:VCC.SYM, "Vcc Symbol"
1:ZENER.SYM, "Zener Diode Symbol"
1:2PAD10.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:2PAD15.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:2PAD20.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:2PAD25.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:2PAD30.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:2PAD35.DEF, "2 Pad Definition"
1:DB9.DEF, "DB-9 Definition"
1:DIP10W1.DEF, "10 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP14W3.DEF, "14 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP16W3.DEF, "16 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP18W12.DEF, "18 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP20W3.DEF, "20 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP24W6.DEF, "24 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP26W6.DEF, "26 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP40W12.DEF, "40 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP40W6.DEF, "40 Pin Dip Definition"
1:DIP8W3.DEF, "8 Pin Dip Definition"
1:PAD.DEF, "Single Pad Definition"
1:SIP3.DEF, "Sip3 Definition"
1:44TQFP.DEF, "44 Pin TQFP definition"
1:0603.DEF, "603 surface pad layout"
1:0804.DEF, "804 surface pad layout"
1:1206.DEF, "1206 surface pad layout"
1:SOIC8.DEF, "SOIC 8 pin surface layout"
; groupname, [groupfile.grp]
; where
; groupname is the title you want Program Manager to display
; under the icon that represents the group. (The
; groupname will also be the name of the section
; that defines the contents of the group.)
; groupfile.grp is the filename of the file in which Program Manager
; will save information about the group. (You must include
; the .GRP filename extension.) This parameter is optional;
; if you omit it, InstallWare uses a default name for the
; group file.
; The syntax for item-definition statements is:
; "Description", APPFILE.EXE, [ICONFILE.EXE[, N]]
"Schematic Plus", #D\schplus.exe
"PC-Trace", #D\pctrace.exe
"Definition File Generator", #D\defgen.exe
"Schematic Plus Help", "#W\winhelp.exe #D\schplus.hlp"
"PC-Trace Help", "#W\winhelp.exe #D\pctrace.hlp"
"Defgen Help", "#W\winhelp.exe #D\defgen.hlp"
"Schematic Plus Tutorial", "#W\winhelp.exe #D\sch_tut.hlp"
"PC-Trace Tutorial", "#W\winhelp.exe #D\tutorial.hlp"
"Readme File", "#W\write.exe #D\readme.wri"
#W\PCTRACE.INI, "PathNames", "Defiles_Path", #D\DEFILES\
#D\schplus.INI, Files, Library, #D\LIB\Library.ini
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Sources", #D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "AC Voltage Source", #D\SYM\ACVOLT.SYM
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "DC Voltage Source", #D\SYM\DCVOLT.SYM
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "Single Cell Battery", #D\SYM\BATT1.SYM
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "Multiple Cell Battery", #D\SYM\BATT2.SYM
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "Analog Ground", #D\SYM\GROUND.SYM
#D\LIB\SOURCE.LIB, Symbols, "Digital Ground", #D\SYM\DGND.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "CMOS", #D\LIB\CMOS.LIB
#D\LIB\CMOS.LIB, Symbols, "CD4543",#D\SYM\CD4543.SYM
#D\LIB\CMOS.LIB, Symbols, "CD4030",#D\SYM\CD4030.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Display", #D\LIB\DISPLAY.LIB
#D\LIB\DISPLAY.LIB, Symbols, "Vartronix 2 LCD",#D\SYM\VAR2DIG.SYM
#D\LIB\DISPLAY.LIB, Symbols, "Vartronix 4 LCD",#D\SYM\VAR4DIG.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Semiconductor", #D\LIB\SEMI.LIB
#D\LIB\SEMI.LIB, Symbols, "NPN Transistor", #D\SYM\NPN.SYM
#D\LIB\SEMI.LIB, Symbols, "PNP Transistor", #D\SYM\PNP.SYM
#D\LIB\SEMI.LIB, Symbols, "Diode", #D\SYM\DIODE.SYM
#D\LIB\SEMI.LIB, Symbols, "Zener Diode", #D\SYM\ZENER.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Analog - Discrete", #D\LIB\ANLG_DIS.LIB
#D\LIB\ANLG_DIS.LIB, Symbols, "Resistor", #D\SYM\RESIST.SYM
#D\LIB\ANLG_DIS.LIB, Symbols, "Capacitor", #D\SYM\CAP.SYM
#D\LIB\ANLG_DIS.LIB, Symbols, "Transformer", #D\SYM\TRANSFRM.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Analog - IC", #D\LIB\ANLG_IC.LIB
#D\LIB\ANLG_IC.LIB, Symbols, "LM324 Op-Amp", #D\SYM\LM324.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Connectors", #D\LIB\CONN.LIB
#D\LIB\CONN.LIB, Symbols, "Single", #D\SYM\J1.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "TTL", #D\LIB\TTL.LIB
#D\LIB\TTL.LIB, Symbols, "And Gate", #D\SYM\AND.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Blocks", #D\LIB\BLOCK.LIB
#D\LIB\BLOCK.LIB, Symbols, "Multiplier", #D\SYM\MULT.SYM
#D\LIB\BLOCK.LIB, Symbols, "Summer", #D\SYM\SUMMER.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Switches", #D\LIB\SWITCH.LIB
#D\LIB\SWITCH.LIB, Symbols, "Multiplexer", #D\SYM\MUX.SYM
#D\LIB\Library.ini, Libraries, "Miscellaneous", #D\LIB\MISC.LIB
#D\LIB\MISC.LIB, Symbols, "Antenna", #D\SYM\ANTENNA.SYM
#D\LIB\MISC.LIB, Symbols, "Crystal", #D\SYM\CRYSTAL.SYM
1, ReadINI, c:\pctrace\SCHPLUS.INI, Registered, name, ""
2, ReadINI, c:\pctrace\SCHPLUS.INI, Registered, key, ""
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section allows for the customization of several InstallWare functions.
; The format is as follows:
Compressed, YES ; If set to YES, then the LZ copy routines will be used
; and will automatically decompress any files that are
; compressed using the Microsoft COMPRESS utility.
; However, only a job progress bar will be shown since
; the LZ routines do not update the application during
; file copies. If this option is set to NO, then DOS
; read and write routines will be used and no file
; decompression will occur. However, two progress bars
; will be used: one to show the job progress and the
; other will show file progress. This is most useful
; for installations that will be moving very large
; files, in that it lets the user know that the setup
; is still alive.
Logging, YES ; If this option is set to YES, then a log file will
; be created, detailing the installation.
DirChg, yes ; If this option is set to NO, the Install directory
; editbox will not be displayed
; OverWrite, NO ; This option determines what the default setting of
; of the OverWrite radio buttons will be.
PromptIcon, YES
PromptIconMsg, "Do you want to install the icons?"
;-----ReBoot/ReStart Section------
; Make sure you enable ONLY one of
; these options. If bother are enabled,
; a ReBoot will occur automatically.
; Restart, YES ; If this option is set to YES, the user will be
; prompted to restart Windows. If set to NO, it will
; just happen (the developer should warn about this
; at the beginning of the install). If the field is not
; present, then no restart will occur.
; Reboot, YES ; If this option is set to YES, the user will be
; prompted to reboot the system. If set to NO, it will
; just happen (the developer should warn about this
; at the beginning of the install). If the field is not
; present, then no reboot will occur.
; RestartString, "The system must be rebooted/restarted for all changes to take effect. Would you like to do this now?"
; This field MUST be present if you use either of the
; reboot/restart fields.
; DeleteIW, NO ; Due to SHARE problems on some systems, you might want
; to leave IW.EXE on the target system. To do so, set
; this option to NO (i.e. don't delete it) Note that
; this is not an issue with single disk installations.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; *************************************************************
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section allows for describing the InstallWare backdrop window.
; The format is different for each field.
Focus, NO ;If set to YES, the window stays on top,
;keeping the user focused on the installation.
Show, YES ;If set to YES, the backdrop window is shown
;Otherwise, it is not and all other vars are ignored.
Style, FULL ;If set to FULL, no caption is displayed.
Color, BLUE ;Options are gradients of RED, GREEN, and
;BLUE (which is the default)
Message, "PC-Trace (with Schematic Plus)!" ;This message is shown in the window
Caption, "Installation" ;This message is shown in
;the caption of the window
;if it not set to FULL
MessageLoc, TOP ;Location of the Message string: TOP or BOTTOM